TAM Calendar Sync
TAM has the capability to read/write from any TAM user's personal calendar in order to provide two-way calendar syncing. When scheduling an event on the TAM calendar that event will also be automatically placed on the user's personal calendar.
This feature must be enabled by a TAM user with Administrator access. Go to Admin > Calendar Syncing.
At the top of the page is an email template which can be used for the emails sent to TAM users requesting access to their calendars. You may edit this message to fit your needs.
Following that is a table of all your TAM users. Only users with TAM accounts can setup calendar syncing. Use the checkboxes to select the users you'd like to request calendar access from. Then click the "Request Access" button. These users will be sent an email requesting access to read/write from their calendars.
TAM can read/write from the following types of calendars: Exchange, Google, Office 365, iCloud and Outlook.com.
Users who have already synced their calendars will be indicated by the "sync" icon in the Calendar Synced column.
If a user leaves your company you can remove access to their calendar.
For information on calendar invites see our KB article here.
TAM also supports a Real Time Scheduling feature where you can send a booking link to an applicant, allowing them to select an open slot from your calendar for an interview. For more details on this feature click here.