Creating a new position (job posting)
- Under Positions in the top menu, select Create a Position
- You may clone a previous position using "Copy data from a previous position"
- Items on the left side of the page are external information which will be used to create the job posting. * denotes required fields.
- TAM supports a full HTML editor so you can style your job postings as desired. You may choose different fonts, add images, links, bullet points, etc. The job posting displayed on the TAM Job page will display exactly as you create it. However, job boards may or may not support this html formatting.
On the right side of the page is all internal information required to open this position.
- If you do not have hiring managers in TAM you may assign the recruiter. The hiring manager and recruiter can be the same person. (Users with Interviewer roles cannot be assigned as recruiter or hiring manager, but can be assigned as an "other allowed viewer).
- Clicking here will allow receiving email alerts every time an applicant applies.
- By default only the recruiter and hiring manager assigned to this position can view this position and the applicants attached to it. To give other managers access click on their names. (Administrators always have access to all positions and applicants).
- IMPORTANT: Select the correct Workflow and Pre-screening Form.
- Multiple Employment Applications -Choose the one to use for this position.
- Optional partners for this position
- Add a hire here positions with multiple openings.
- Pay Range is optional. It cannot be seen by the applicants and is only visible to this position's hiring manager.
- Any custom fields you create for your positions are displayed here. In this example, the custom fields are "Sign-on bonus?" and "Sent to Partner?".
- The history of changes made to this position will be recorded automatically by TAM. You can also type in any notes here.
At the bottom of the page you can control the automatic job board postings.
- If your company settings specify posting all positions to free job boards automatically, you will not see them here. Those you are posting on a job-by-job basis will appear here for selection.
- Internal/Confidential/Omitted settings can be selected.
- Make sure you SAVE when finished.
Your position is not posted until you hit "Open & Post to Careers". See the article on Changing a Position Status for more details.