Changing a Position's Status

You control the status of any position on the Edit Position page.  Select Positions, Edit a Position from the top menu, or from the Positions Table click on the job title.

When a position is first created it will be set to Draft status.  This gives you the chance to review the position settings and proof-read the posting before it goes live.

When you click on "Open & Post to Careers" the position goes live.  The position is added to your Open Positions / Careers page.  If you use TAM's javascript feed to display open positions on your web page, this position will be added to that feed.  And, the Jobs page becomes active, allowing applicants to apply.

You may return to the Edit Position page at any time and place a position back into Draft mode or Put On Hold.  Either of these methods will remove the position from your Open Positions page and will prevent applicants from applying.

See the article "Closing or Filling a Position" for details on this step.