Job javascript feeds
The Applicant Manager (TAM) provides a jobs feed which can be inserted into your web page (.html file, etc.) for inclusion of open positions on your company's Careers page. This allows you to have complete control over the look and feel of your Careers page, but relieves you from the burden of adding and removing open positions from that page. The jobs feed is included as javascript and is a one-time setup by your web developer. Once the web page is updated and published, every time a TAM user (HR/Recruiter) opens or closes a position the jobs feed is updated automatically. The next time anyone visits your Careers page the changes are reflected. Basically, the feed is loaded each time that web page is loaded or refreshed.
To use this method just insert the following single line of code into your html wherever you want the open positions to appear on your page:
<strong> </strong><strong><script src=""></script></strong>
(where XX is your 2- or 3-character company code provided by TAM support or taken from your TAM Careers page)
NOTE: Javascript files are cached in order to minimize the load time for web pages. Depending on the design of your web page(s) and server settings, this job feeds file may not be loaded each time a visitor sees the page, so that recently opened/closed jobs may be missed. A simple technique to ensure the jobs feed is loaded every time is to use this code:
<strong><script src="' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + '"></script></strong>
If you’re a new client and you do not yet have any positions created in TAM, the javascript feed will be empty. In that case you can use the following feed from our demo company for setup and verification purposes.
<script src=""></script>
The javascript will insert data into your html and includes css tags so that you control the markup. Here's an example of the data that the .js feed will provide:
<div id="theapplicantmanager">
<div class="listing">
<h2 class="title"><a href="">Position # 1 (San Rafael, CA)</a></h2>
<p class="description">This newly created entry-level position...</p>
<div class="listing">
<h2 class="title"><a href="">Position # 2 (San Rafael, CA)</a></h2>
<p class="description">The Sales Specialist will actively and aggressively promote and sell... </p>
You can then modify your .css to fit the data into your page in any fashion you wish. Example of .css code you might include:
#theapplicantmanager { margin-top: 0px; }
#theapplicantmanager h2 { font-size: 1.4em; margin-bottom: 4px; }
#theapplicantmanager p { margin-bottom: 30px; }
The <h2> tag is used by default for job titles, but we can set this to <h1>, <h2>, <h3> or <h4> as needed.
Here are some current TAM clients using this method if you’d like to see real-life examples:
Grouping jobs by Department or Category
Jobs can be grouped by either department or category if desired. To do this your TAM user/admin must create departments/categories in TAM and assign jobs to one of the departments/categories. Then, from the TAM top menu they would select Setup -> Careers Page and select the desired display as shown here. Jobs will then be grouped in the .js feed alphabetically.
This will add an additional .css element which can be styled as needed.
<p class="department">Your Department</p>
Separate Job Feeds by Department, Category, Location, City/State, or Job Type, as well as Internal jobs
TAM also supplies separate feeds such that you can group jobs by department, category, city/state, location, or job type in any order you like.
If you want to list open positions on your web site grouped by a department/category, use the javascript file TAM creates which maps to the Departments/Categories you created in TAM.
Example: your departments are Administrative, Engineering, Sales & Marketing, and Operations. The javascript filenames are created by changing all spaces and non-alphanumeric characters to ‘_’, and changing all characters to lowercase:
- /jobfeeds/bs_administrative.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_engineering.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_sales_marketing.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_operations.js
If you want to list open positions on your web site grouped by location, use the javascript file TAM creates which maps to the Locations you created in TAM.
Example: your locations are San Jose, CA; Austin, TX; and San Francisco Bay Area. The javascript filenames are created by changing all spaces and non-alphanumeric characters to ‘_’, and changing all characters to lowercase:
- /jobfeeds/bs_san_jose_ca.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_austin_tx.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_san_francisco_bay_area.js
The city/state feed is very similar to the locations feed, but will use the city and state specified for each location in posting to job boards. Frequently the location and city/state feeds are identical, but for example, you may have a location named “Company Headquarters” with the city/state as San Rafael, CA. In this case you may want to use the city/state feed.
If you want to list open positions on your web site grouped by job type, use the javascript file TAM creates which maps to the Position Type you created in TAM.
Example: your position types are Full time; Part time; Contract. The javascript filenames are created by changing all spaces and non-alphanumeric characters to ‘_’, and changing all characters to lowercase:
- /jobfeeds/bs_full_time.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_part_time.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_contract.js
There are also files which includes any positions marked in TAM as “Internal”. This can be useful for importing jobs to a company web site for employees to view internal openings.
- /jobfeeds/bs_internal.js - this includes all jobs marked as Internal OR External
- /jobfeeds/bs_intonly.js - this includes all jobs marked as Internal but NOT External
- /jobfeeds/bs.js - the basic feed, this includes all jobs marked as External but NOT Internal
Separate Job Feeds by custom position fields
TAM also supplies separate feeds for each combination of custom position fields and individual position values. Example: you have a custom position field named "Security Clearance". TAM will search through all positions and compile a javascript file for each combination.
- /jobfeeds/bs_security_clearance_top_secret.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_security_clearance_secret.js
- /jobfeeds/bs_security_clearance_confidential.js
Note: if you are using any of the “partial” scripts they do not include the footer functionality, which is included in the full javascript file. The footer portion is the code which allows applicants to submit resumes, employment applications, etc.* There is a separate footer file which you can include anywhere.
- /jobfeeds/bs_footer.js
* Please note that the javascript footer cannot display the "Subscribe" feature (described here), as on the TAM-hosted pages, but the "Subscribe" functionality will still appear on your Job Pages if selected.
Contact The Applicant Manager Tech Support at 855-254-1277 or