Careers Page Internal/External

The Careers page hosted by TAM displays open positions based on the Post to External and Post to Internal settings on the Create/Edit Position page.

Default setting is to Post to External:

Your External Careers page is accessed from within TAM at Positions -> Careers Page. This is the page you will normally direct applicants to and can be linked to from your company's website. Any position marked as "Post to External" will be displayed on this page.

TAM also supports Internal Careers pages. These are useful as you may want some positions to be Internal and only available for current employees. To do this mark the position as "Post to Internal". Your Internal Careers page can be found at a slightly different url than your External Careers page, by adding "&int" to the end of the url. The "&int" page will display all positions marked as Post to Internal.

In addition TAM supports urls of "&intonly", which will only display positions marked as Post to Internal but not Post to External, and "&extonly", which will only display positions marked as Post to Internal but not Post to Internal.

If you are using an Internal Careers page the header and footer sections of that page will, by default, be exactly the same as your External Careers page. You can however create new header/footer language for the Internal page. Simply go to Setup > Careers Page, scroll to the bottom of the page, check the box titles "Configure separate headers and footers for an Internal Careers page", then enter the separate language you'd like displayed for the Internal page.

Any position marked as "Post to Internal" also has the option of displaying a message at the top of the Jobs page. This message allows you to provide any instructions you want for internal applicants. If you don't want a message just leave this box empty. Example:

NOTE: These settings are completely separate from the settings to post to various job boards. Marking a position as Post to Internal or Post to External has no affect on whether TAM posts a position to a job board. You must use the selectors for the job boards to do that.

As an example, TAM has a fake company we use for demo purposes called The Bailey S. Cavachon Foundation.  The Careers / Open Positions page can be found here:  This page will display all positions marked as "Post to External".

The following page will display only positions marked as "Post to Internal", but not "Post to External":

While the following page will display all positions marked as "Post to Internal":

For those using our javascript feed we supply four equivalent feeds:




Each TAM client has a 2- or 3-character designation. Simply replace the "bs" in these examples with your company's 2- or 3-character designation.

If you are using the List view for the Careers page you also have the option of breaking down the listed positions by department or category. Either of these fields may be used for sub-companies. Go to Setup -> Careers Page and scroll down to Page Display Options. 


When selecting "separate by departments" or "separate by categories" TAM will use the department or category name as a sub-title. This will only apply when using List mode, as the table mode allows easy sorting by department or category.


You also have the opportunity of filtering the listed positions on your Careers page using an argument in the browser url. This can be useful for companies with a sub-company configuration who want to have a separate Careers page for each sub-company. To use this feature add "&dep=xxx" or "&cat=xxx" to the Careers page url, where "xxx" is the department or category name.

Example: Let's say your departments are Administrative, Engineering, Sales & Marketing, and Operations.  The url arguments are created by changing all spaces and non-alphanumeric characters to ‘_’, and changing all characters to lowercase. This would allow the following Careers page url's:


If you're using the Department field for your sub-companies just use the Company names here.

NOTE: TAM support staff works with each new client to setup web integrations between TAM and the client's web site and Careers page. If you have any questions about this or want to make changes as an existing client, please contact TAM Support at

 For more information on Blind/Confidential postings click here.