TAM Users
Add a User
Admin level users can add new users at any time. Adding new users may affect your billing so please make sure you consult with TAM's billing department by phone or email (billing@theapplicantmanager.com) prior to adding users if you have any questions. You will receive a prompt in TAM with this notification. If you click OK on the prompt, you acknowledge that adding the new user may entail additional costs.
To add a new user go to Admin>Users. On this page click on "Add User."
Complete required information. Click on the link to the Knowledge Base article for "More details on access levels."
The new user will receive an email with their log in information.
Edit Users
Admin users can edit the Name, Email, and Role of each user. To do this click on the Edit toggle, you will then be able to edit these fields. Click the edit toggle again to save.
Delete Users
Admin level users can delete any other user by clicking on the red x next to the users name on this table. This will not affect the history of that user. However, if this user is listed as the recruiter or hiring manager for any position, that will need to be change in each position. NOTE: Also check your templates and event triggers.
Lock Users
Admin level users can lock TAM users at any time. Click the lock icon in the Users table to keep another user from logging into TAM for a period of time. Simple click the lock again to unlock.