Posting to manual job boards (such as Craigslist)
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There are numerous job boards which do not accept electronic feeds. In many parts of the US Craig's List is the best example of this. In these cases TAM cannot post positions automatically, you have to post them manually and link the posting back to TAM. We provide a relatively easy way to do this.
Once you have created a position click on the link at the bottom of the page: "Instructions on how to post Manually". TAM provides html text which you can cut-and-paste into the posting on the job board. On some job boards the html code will be supported, on some it won't. TAM therefore provides both a "Apply" button as well as the url to the Jobs page.
Note: Be sure to select "no replies to this email" at the top so that people click through to TAM rather than email you through Craigslist.
Example of the pasted text on a job board that supports html: