Tokens and Creating email templates

The purpose of email templates is to allow you to create an email that you can use repeatedly for different applicants and positions. To create a template:

  1. Select Admin/Send Email from the top menu.
  2. Click Create/Edit a template.  You can start fresh or load an existing template to edit and save as your own.  For example, to create your own "Thanks for Applying" email template you can load the TAM "Position Filled" template to start with.
  3. Complete the Subject and Message portions of the email.
  4. Enter a new name if needed.
  5. Hit Save when complete.

Templates become much more useful when you use tokens. Let's say I wanted to create a “Thanks for Applying” message. I could make the message something like: "Dear applicant, thank you for applying for an open position at our company." But using tokens allows me to create this: "Dear {applicant_first_name}, thank you for applying for the position of {position} at {company_name}." So if I was on an applicant's page (say, John Smith), and I wanted to send this email, I'd click on his email address, then on the email page, select the template I created, and TAM would then replace {applicant_first_name} with John and {position} with the position John applied for.  The result is a more personalized email: “Dear John, thank you for applying for the position of Manager at XYZ Company.” 

This allows using the same email template for any applicant without having to type in their name.  This list of supported tokens can be seen when creating/editing a template.

applicant_address The applicant's full physical address
applicant_email The applicant's email address
applicant_first_name The applicant's first name
applicant_last_name The applicant's last name
applicant_full_name The applicant's first & last names
applicant_phone_number The applicant's main contact number
applicant_page Inserts a link to the applicant's TAM page
applicant_source The source the applicant applied from
company_name Inserts your company's name
date Inserts today's date
department Inserts the department for the position this applicant is attached to
category Inserts the category for the position this applicant is attached to
manager_first_name The hiring manager's first name
manager_full_name Inserts the name of the manager for the applicant's position
office_address Inserts the address for the position this applicant applied for
office_city The city of the position the applicant applied for
office_state The state/province of the position the applicant applied for
position Inserts the title of the position this applicant applied for
position_url The full URL of the Apply page on TAM of said position
recruiter_first_name Inserts the first name of the recruiter for the applicant's position
recruiter_full_name Inserts the full name of the recruiter for the applicant's position
sender_first_name Inserts the first name of the sender of an email
sender_last_name Inserts the last name of the sender of an email
sender_full_name Inserts the first & last name of the sender of the email
sub_company_name Inserts the name of the Company (if you have sub-companies)
tam_user_full_name Inserts the name of the TAM user who triggered an event
event Inserts the name of the event which triggered an action


In addition you can use any custom position or custom applicant fields as tokens. These fields can be defined under Setup > Other Company Settings > Custom Position Fields or Custom Applicant Fields. 


Once you create a template it can be loaded anytime you are sending an email.  Each TAM user can view and load each other's templates, although you cannot edit or delete another's.


If you would like to delete a template, click on the "Create/Edit a Template" button.  Under the Edit Template Mode, load the Email Template you would like to delete from the drop down box on the right.  Towards the bottom, there is an option to "delete this template".  A Pop up should display to confirm the deletion of the template.




Tokens can also be used in various other messages in TAM in order to customize that message. Anywhere tokens are supported you will see this message: Supports tokens. Clicking on the tokens link will bring up a window displaying all the supported tokens. You can then copy-and-paste those tokens into the desired spots in your message.
