Changes to a Group of Applicants
From the Applicants Table (Talent Pool -> Applicants, or Talent Pool -> Non-Applicants, or Talent Pool -> Search) you can make changes to a group of applicants.
- First, use the Select check boxes to select a group of applicants. At the bottom of the table there are links to check all boxes or uncheck all boxes.
- If you do not see the Select column use the Configuration tool to display that column.
- Click on the Group icon.
You can then change the following attributes for all the checked applicants in the table:
- Applicants can be assigned to another user.The "Assigned To" user is originally the recruiter for the position the applicants applied for. When you assign them to a new user, the original user will still have access to those applicants if they're a recruiter or administrator. But once reassigned they will show up on the Desktop of the new assigned user as "Applicants assigned to me". This user will also get an email notifying them of the assignment.
- You can reassign a group of applicants to a new position. The recruiter for that position will be notified by email.
- You can change the status for the selected applicants, for example, move a group of applicants from "resume screen" to "phone screen"".
- You can change the source of the selected applicants ("where did you hear about this job?"). The original source given by the applicant is still stored in TAM.
- You can copy (or "clone") any applicant's or group of applicants' record and copy it to another position. This can be useful if you are considering an applicant for more than one position and you need to maintain different workflow status, notes, etc. Warning: if you are OFCCP compliant this is not a good practice. It is recommended that instead you notify the applicant requesting that they formally apply for any additional positions you'd like to consider them for.
- You can Pass all selected applicants at their current workflow step, moving them to the next step.
- You can Fail all selected applicants at their current workflow step. The applicants will be moved to the Inactive folder. You can optionally select a Reason for Rejection for this group of applicants, and apply a Note to all their records.
- You can restore a group of Inactive applicants to Active status (un-Fail them).