Viewing applicants from your Desktop
When you login to TAM, you will be able to see on your Desktop all active applicants assigned to you. Hiring managers will only be able to see applicants who applied to positions assigned to them, or they've been given access to by an administrator or other hiring manager.
Users with administrator, recruiter or senior manager access will only see active applicants who are assigned to them. However, these users can choose to view all active actives by changing the setting under "My Preferences".
To the right of your calendar is your Active Applicants. TAM gives you an overview of the number of applicants you have for each position assigned to you as well as a breakdown of the number of applicants at each recruitment step within that position.
For the example below, we can see that there are four positions assigned to Maggie Manager: Accounts Payable Clerk, Assistant IT Manager, Controller, and Executive Assistant. For the position of Accounts Payable Clerk, there are 14 active applicants. If you click on the + sign, TAM will display the breakdown of where those 14 applicants are in the hiring process: 3 are at phone screen, 3 are at manager review, 2 are at setup interview, etc.
To see the details of the applicants, click on any of the displayed numbers. Clicking on "17" will take you to the Applicants Table and display all 14 active applicants. To see only those applicants at the Manager Screen stage, click on the "6" beside that step.
Additionally, you can customize how the active applicants are sorted on your Desktop by selecting the "My Preferences" feature under all the listed active applicants.