Proximity or Distance searches
In some cases knowing the distance your applicants live from your open positions or another location can be very useful. For example, any business which uses mobile employees will want employees who can be most efficiently used for specific geographical areas. Home care services or sales positions are just two such cases.
Allowing applicants to search for open positions near their home can also be very useful and is another feature TAM supports.
Viewing Proximity of Candidates Relative to Position Location
Assuming that the candidate has provided a physical address when they applied for a position through TAM, this optional feature will show you or tell you in miles (or kilometers, depending on your country) how far a candidate's address is from the location of the position.
There are several places where proximity information is available:
NOTE: All distances provided by TAM are "straight-line" or "as the crow flies". Driving distances may vary significantly from this measurement.
In the Applicants Table you can sort applicants by distance from the position.
You can view all applicants' locations on a map at the bottom of the Applicants Table (the red H is your position's location).
You can view each applicant's location on their page.
Searching for Applicants by Proximity to Position
You can search your Talent Pool by distances from any of your locations, under Talent Pool, Search.
Allowing Applicants to Search for Positions by Distance
Finally, you can allow applicant's to search by proximity on your TAM-hosted Careers page. This is an option that must be setup for you by our TAM Support team.