Time to Fill Report
The Time to Fill Report is designed to display the amount of time it takes to move applicants through each workflow step over a selected period of time, as well as the time it takes to fill any open positions/slots.
To access reports go to Admin -> Reports. Reports are typically only available to administrator and recruiter users, but admins can grant/remove access from any user group.
Select one of the reports under Time to Fill; you can break down the report by Position, by Recruiter, by Manager, by Location, or by Department.
Select the position(s) to report on. You can select all positions, all open positions, all closed positions, or an individual position. The "Positions containing keyword" field can be used to select multiple positions. For example, "Sales" would select all positions with "Sales" in the title.
Select the location(s) and department(s). These options allow you to generate a "two-dimensional" report. For example. you could select Metrics by Recruiter and then a single location to compare activity by all your recruiters in that location.
Select the date range. For positions the report will contain data on any positions open during that range. For applicants the report will contain data on any applicants active during that range.
The Time-to_Fill reports are "two-in-one". If the "Show all workflow steps" is selected, TAM will display the average time all applicants spent at each workflow step. This can be useful in determining where the delays are in your recruiting flow.
TAM will always display the total time a position was open (or average time for recruiters/managers/locations/departments) as well as the average time to fill.
Click Run Report. If "Show all workflow steps" is enabled this type chart will be displayed:
The graphical report shows the average number of days the applicants sat at each workflow step. Days are measured in work days with US holidays skipped.
The second chart displays the number of days each position was open as well as the average time to fill for each applicant hired. TAM takes into account whether a position was placed On Hold at any time and only counts total days open.
The raw data is also displayed in a table format. This data can then be printed or exported to Excel for further data manipulation and graphical reports.
If you have multiple openings for a position TAM will track each applicant hired and the time-to-fill for that applicant. Applicants hired on the same day will be given the same time-to-fill. In the example below, the 3rd position (DC124) had three openings. Tariq Sheriff was hired 37 days after the position was opened. Tori Wright was hired 14 days after Tariq, and Cora Lightfoot hired 12 days after Tori. The average time-to-fill was 21 days. For the 5th position both applicants were hired on the same day and therefor have the same time-to-fill.
In a competitive recruiting market the time it takes you to make an offer to a good prospect can be crucial in determining whether they accept your offer or have already accepted an offer from a competitor. The Time to Fill Report can help you focus on any weak spots in your recruiting process.
You can save and load your reports. You can load any report saved by yourself or any other user. If you make changes remember to hit Save to save those changes. If you try to save a report you loaded from another user it will not change their report, but instead will save a new report under your name. To create a new report just enter the name in the Save As box and then hit Save.