Cost of Hire Reporting

The Cost of Hire report allows you to keep track of which job boards you are posting to as well as the cost of your postings. Whenever TAM posts to any job board on your request the results are logged.  To access the posting history you can go to Admin, Reports (only accessible by administrators and recruiters).

Select the Cost of Hire by Position, then select any number of positions, locations, departments or date range if desired.  The table portion of the report will display any job boards TAM posted to, any costs incurred through TAM, and the expiration of the posting if any.


Dates in the Expires column which are black show that the posting has already expired.  Postings in green are still active.


For those job boards which TAM posts to, but for which you have an account with the job board and are billed by them, you will need to enter your cost per posting for accurate reporting.  To do this go to Setup, Job Boards.  At the bottom of the page turn on Cost of Hire Reporting if you haven't already.  You will then be able to enter your cost for each job board used.  In addition you can add any other job boards which you post to outside of TAM and their cost.  Lastly, if you wish to track any other recruiting costs (job fairs, external recruiters, etc) you can create a default list here.

 These costs will be used as the default whenever you select a job board when creating a position.  You can override if needed for each individual position just be changing the value in the cost box.