Reporting in TAM

TAM offers several methods to run reports, and most reports can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet for further data manipulation and final reporting.

First, you can run a simple report from any TAM table. The Applicants Table is useful for quick reports on applicant's data, while the Positions Table is especially useful for quick reports on current status of your positions. You can also run advanced searches for applicants under Talent Pool > Search, and these results can serve as a report.

You can use the configure feature (the "gear" icon on top of the table) to display/hide columns of data on the table. You can also click on a column title and drag it to a new position to reorder the columns on the table.

Example of the Positions Table (from Positions -> Positions Table). This will display the status of your positions, the date open, the number of days open, how many times the Job page was viewed, how many applicants applied, how many are still active, etc.


The table can be printed, copied, or exported to CSV/Excel using the buttons on top of the table.

In addition the following reports are also available in TAM. Most of these reports can be configured by position, recruiter, hiring manager, location or department.

Cost of Hire report

The Cost of Hire report allows you to keep track of which job boards you are posting to as well as the cost of your postings.

Employee Referral report

TAM provides a powerful Advanced Search feature which allows you to search for applicants or non-applicants anywhere in your database.  You can use this feature to create reports on employee referrals.

EEO and AAP report

EEO reports can by default only be run by TAM users with administrator access, although access can be granted to other users by an administrator (under Admin -> Users -> Access Levels). An applicant's EEO data is not displayed on the applicant's page for reasons of data protection. It can only be accessed through running an EEO Report.

Hired Employee report

You can use the Advanced Search feature to create reports on employees you have hired.

Recruiting Metrics report

The Recruiting Metrics Report is designed to display your recruiting activity over a selected period of time.

Recruiting Snapshot report

The Recruiting Snapshot Report is designed to display your recruiting status at a specific point in time. The data in this report is very close to what you'll see in the Recruiting Activity chart on your Desktop.

Recruiting Workflow Analysis report

The Recruiting Workflow Analysis Report is designed to display the percentage of applicants moving from each workflow to the next. This report is sometimes useful to compare the performance of recruiters, managers, or locations against each other.

Source Summary report

The Source Summary Report tells you where you applicants are coming from as well as how far applicants from each source are advancing in your recruiting process.

Time to Fill report

The Time to Fill Report is designed to display the amount of time it takes to move applicants through each workflow step over a selected period of time.

Reasons for Rejection report

The Reasons for Rejection report displays the number of applicants rejected for each of the Reasons in your company list, and can be broken down by position, recruiter, manager, department, or location.