Uploading Resumes
TAM users with administrator or recruiter privileges can upload resumes directly into TAM, either by uploading the resume from your computer, or forwarding it from email. Hiring managers normally do not have this capability but can be given it by their administrator (under Admin, Manage Users, Access Levels).
By email:
If you receive an email with a single resume attached simply forward the email to resumes@theapplicantmanager.com. You must send from the email address associated with your user account in TAM. Emails will be ignored if sent from non-user addresses or from user addresses without permission to upload. You will receive an email when the upload is complete (usually within 2 minutes) with a link to the applicant's record. TAM parses the resume and extracts information such as name, address, email, etc. to create the applicant's record. The record will be found under the Non-Applicant database, unless you upload to a specific position, as described below.
If the email contains other attachments, in addition to the resume, TAM will make its best guess as to which is the resume and parse that information for the applicant's record. All other attachments will be attached to the applicant's record as secondary files (cover letter, references, etc.).
In order to send multiple resumes as attachments use the address multiple_resumes@theapplicantmanager.com. TAM will parse and create a record for each resume. A maximum of 20 resumes can be sent at one time. Any additional resumes will be discarded.
Warning: If your email includes a signature and that signature includes images (such as your company logo), you should remove those images before sending the email. Since resume uploads can consist of image files, TAM will attach them to the applicant's record, and may try to parse those images as resumes, instead of the attached resume. Ideally you want the only attachments that pertain to the applicant's record to be in your email to TAM.
Administrators and recruiters have the option of uploading the applicant to a position, instead of to the Non-Applicant database. To do this include pos=XXX (no spaces) somewhere in the Subject of the email, where XXX is the TAM position number (such as BS145). You must create the position in TAM before you can upload applicants to it.
Note: Any names that TAM is unable to parse from an uploaded resume will be replaced by "unknown". If you search "unknown" in the search bar at the top right of TAM, you'll see any affected applicant files, and can edit their information, as below.
By upload:
Under Talent Pool in the top menu, select Upload Resume. A file browser will allow you to select a resume from your PC. You can also use ctrl-click to select multiple resumes at once. TAM will parse information from the resume(s) to create the applicant records. A maximum of 20 resumes can be selected.
Records created from resume uploads will be stored in the Non-Applicants database, although you can apply them to an existing position. To do this select the position before submitting the resumes for upload.
In some cases TAM cannot properly parse the resume, and some of the applicant's information may be incorrect. You can make corrections using the Edit feature on the applicant's page.
You can also attach a resume to an existing applicant's record. In this case TAM will not parse the resume, it will simply be displayed as an attachment.
This is the same method used to attach a cover letter or other attachment to an existing applicant's record.
See additional instructions here: https://tamsupport.helpscoutdocs.com/article/375-uploading-attaching-deleting-documents-to-an-applicants-record