What's the story behind the dog?
Which dog? This one!
It’s likely that you’ve seen “TAMi” running on your loading screens or elsewhere on our website. We’re pretty proud of our software and we love answering questions about how TAM works, but funny enough, the most asked question is “what’s the story about the dog”? Since this is the official TAM Knowledge Base, here’s our answer.
At TAM, we’re a bunch of animal lovers and TAMi is our mascot. She’s really just a gif, but she represents all of the dogs in our lives (and other animals, of course). She’s there to remind us about all of the happy things in our lives and keeps things light. Because many of our team members bring their dogs to work, you may hear them chiming in in the background.
(TAMi's news-fetching secret identity!)
Our founders have two Cavachons (half Bichon Frise and half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel); and the original inspiration for TAMi was Bailey, our Director of Employee Morale. She’s a natural at bringing a smile to our faces. Bailey was then joined by her brother Tucker who serves as our Director of Security. The truth is that Tucker weighs 12 lbs so he’s not very scary, but don’t tell him that. He takes his job very seriously!
(ever-cheerful Bailey, top, and very intimidating Tucker in the foreground)
Well, that’s the story behind TAMi. Hope you liked it!
If you'd like to see more of TAMi, you can enable her as your default "loading screen" animation! Just go to "Hi <your name>!" at the top right of your TAM desktop, click on My Settings, and Personalize. While you're there, check out all the other neat-o ways you can customize your TAM experience. Save your changes, and voila! TAMi will now dutifully fetch data for you while you work in TAM.