Customizing your TAM desktop

The Desktop is your home page in TAM, the first page you see when logging in.  This page is intended to be your high-level view of TAM activities.  There are several "widgets" which can be placed on the Desktop to display particular information about your recruiting activities.  Each user in TAM can customize their Desktop to display only the widgets they're interested in, and you can change your Desktop setup as often as you like.

To select which widgets you'd like to include use the View/Edit toggle button on the Desktop:


When toggling to Edit mode all available widgets are displayed with a checkbox above them. Simply check the widgets you want displayed, then click the toggle button again to save your choices and switch back to View mode.


These are the available widgets:

Recruiting Status:

  • This is an interactive bar chart which displays information about your active positions and the applicants assigned to those positions.
  1. Allows showing/hiding the menu for this widget.
  2. Positions can be displayed in alphabetical order, or by position number (which will show the newest position on top), or sorted by the position with the most active applicants on top. You can also flip the display to group applicants by workflow step (see chart below).
  3. For TAM users who have access to view all applicants (normally administrators and recruiters) you can flip between viewing all applicants vs. viewing only those assigned to you. Other users will not have this option displayed.
  4. All titles in light blue are clickable links. So, to view all applicants for the Accounts Payable Clerk position, BS122, just click on the title. This will take you to the Applicants' Table and load all applicants for that position.
  5. The applicants for each position will be broken out on the graph by workflow step. By hovering your mouse over each segment you can view the name of that step. New applicants are always displayed in green, with the other steps in shades of blue. Clicking on any step will take you to the Applicants' Table and load only those applicants currently at that workflow step.
  6. You can control the height of this widget (which determines the number of positions displayed) by going to My Settings -> Personalize.
  • Example of Applicants sorted by workflow step. Clicking on any of the workflow step titles (along the vertical axis) will load all applicants in that step across all open positions.
  • To display the status of your open positions you can view all open positions sorted by the number of weeks open.
  • Or, you can view positions Awaiting Posting, which are positions Awaiting Approval, On Hold, or in Draft.
  • For each of the position display options, clicking on the position title or the bar graph will take you to the complete list of Active applicants for that position (All Statuses).


 Active Applicants:

  • This is a simpler widget which displays the number of active applicants in the pipeline for each position in a non-graphical display. The number displayed by each position is the total number of active applicants for that position, and clicking on that number will load those applicants in the Applicants' Table. Clicking on the + icon will break down the number of applicants at each workflow step. This widget will only display those applicants assigned to the user, although users with the access to see all applicants will have an option, even if not assigned to them.

 Recruiting Calendar:

  • This is an interactive calendar which displays all meetings scheduled from within TAM. Clicking on any event will bring up the details of that event; clicking on a blank date/time will allow scheduling a new event. Each user can select a custom color to display their events on the calendar, making it easier to distinguish between TAM users.


 Task List / Pending Items:

  • This widget will display any in-progress items for applicants assigned to you initiated from TAM, such as employment applications, background checks, assessment tests or reference checks.  It also allows you to schedule tasks/reminders for yourself or other TAM users.


 Active Positions:

  • Displays positions that are open, on hold, draft, or awaiting approval. This widget is redundant if you're using the recruiting chart.


Recent Non-Applicants:

  • This widget allows you to keep tabs of any non-applicants (submitted unsolicited resumes or applications for employment) within the last 3, 7, 14 and 30 days.


 Recent Activity:

  • This logs your recent events in TAM as a reminder of what you were last working on.


The more widgets you display the longer it takes to load the Desktop, so you should only display those items you'd normally use every day.