Finding Duplicate Applicants
Under the "Duplicate/Delete Applicant" feature you can search for duplicate applicants. TAM never creates duplicate applicant profiles under the same position, but there are cases where an applicant may have duplicate records. One, if the applicant applies more than once and uses a different name or email address. If an applicant applies as John Davis with an email address of, and later with an email address of, as far as TAM knows these are two separate applicants, so there will be two separate records. Two, if a TAM user manually uploads an applicant to a position, they may be inadvertently creating a duplicate record if that applicant has already applied to that position.
TAM does create separate profiles for each position an applicant applies for, and in some cases you may want to search for these duplicates.
There are four options on this page.
1. Select a position under "Load from position" and TAM will display a table of possible duplicates, ordered by last name in that position only. Because TAM looks for names, email addresses, etc. which are similar, it will display some applicants who do not have duplicates. You simply have to browse through the list of applicants in the table and use your best judgment as to who may/may not be duplicates.
2. You can type in any first name, last name or full name in the "Find by Name" box and hit Enter. TAM will then search for any applicants with that name across all positions.
3. You can select Find Duplicates "in the same position". TAM will then look for possible duplicates only if both applicants are in the same position.
3. You can select Find Duplicates "in any position". TAM will then look for possible duplicates across all positions. This search may take several minutes depending on the size of your database.
Once a search is complete you may then compare the records of any duplicates. To view any applicant's record click on their first or last name (use control-click to view in a new window). If you find any records which you believe are redundant, you may delete that record by clicking on the trash can icon.
Warning: this will completely delete that applicant record, as well as documents attached to that record and any notes entered by TAM users. As an alternative to deletion you may choose to move a duplicate applicant into the Non Applicants pool or another "holding" position.
Like all TAM tables you can rearrange the columns on this table, show/hide the columns you wish to view, and export the table contents to Excel, csv, etc.
For more information on searching for applicants in the talent pool, see our article here.